OoW Ability
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名称 上限 コスト 効果
Eternal Breath 1 5 水面下や真空で呼吸を出来る能力を与えます。
Blacksmithing Mastery 3 3→6→9 Blacksmithingの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Baking Mastery 3 3→6→9 Bakingの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Brewing Mastery 3 3→6→9 Brewingの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Fletching Mastery 3 3→6→9 Fletchingの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Pottery Mastery 3 3→6→9 Potteryの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Tailoring Mastery 3 3→6→9 Tailoringの合成失敗率を10%、25%、50%低下させます。
Salvage 3 5→5→5 トレードスキルの合成失敗の際に失われるアイテムを取り戻すチャンスを与えます。
Origin 1 7 この能力を使用すると、友好的な街へ転送されます。
Chaotic Potential 5 5→5→5→5→5 ランク毎にStatusの上限を5ポイント上昇させます。
Discordant Defiance 5 5→5→5→5→5 ランク毎にResistの上限を5ポイント上昇させます。
Mystical Attuning 5 5→5→5→5→5 ランク毎にBuffスロットを1増やします。
Delay Death 5 3→?→?→?→? ランク毎にHPが0になってからどれだけ減ると死ぬかのHP量を50増やし、HPが0以上になるまで気絶した状態になります。
Healthy Aura 5 3→?→?→?→? ランク毎にRegenerationの上限を5ポイント上昇させます。
Reflexive Mastery 5 5→?→?→?→? Meleeダメージを回避するチャンスを与えます。
Defensive Instincts 5 5→?→?→?→? Meleeダメージを軽減するチャンスを与えます。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Mnemonic Retention 1 3 SpellをメモするSlotを一つ与えます。
Expansive Mind 5 5→?→?→?→? ランク毎にMana Regenerationの上限を1ポイント上昇させます。
Pure Melee/Hybrids
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Veteran's Wrath 3 3→6→9 Meleeのクリティカルヒットのダメージ量を増加させます。
Deathblow 3 3→3→3 Finishing Blowのレベル制限を上昇させます。ランク1でレベル61、ランク2でレベル63、ランク3でレベル65になります。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Throwing Mastery 3 ? Throwingのダメージを30%、60%、100%増加させます。
Blur of Axes ? ? Frenzyのダメージを増加させます。
Hastened War Cry ? ? War Cry Disciplineの再使用時間をランク毎に3分短縮させます。
Dead Aim ? ? Throwing武器の命中率を上昇させます。
Frenzied Defense ? ? Riposteが成功した時にFrenzied Attackが発動するチャンスを与えます。
Tireless Sprint ? ? Sprint Disciplineを強化して、より速くより長く走れるようになり、ランク毎に効果が増します。使用するには新たにHotkeyを作成する必要が有ります。
Desperation ? ? この能力を使用すると、死が近づくにつれて攻撃速度が上昇します。
Untamed Rage ? ? この能力を使用すると、荒れ狂った状態になり相手を攻撃します。ランク毎にダメージが増加しますが、防御力は低下します。
Echoing Cries 3 ? War Cry Effectの持続時間を25%、50%、100%増加させます。
Vicious Frenzy ? ? Frenzyのダメージを更に増加させます。
Crazed Onslaught ? ? Triple Attackが成功した際にFlurryが発動するチャンスを与えます。
Overwhelming Attack ? ? Dodge、Block、ParryそしてRiposte等の防御を破るチャンスを与えます。
Furious Rage ? ? この能力を使用すると、荒れ狂った状態になり相手を攻撃します。ランク毎にダメージが増加しますが、防御力は低下します。
Blood Pact ? ? この能力が発動している間は限界を突破した攻撃力を得ます。ダメージは増加しますが、自分自身にも跳ね返ってきます。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Master of Disguise ? ? 死ぬかBuffを手動で消さない限りIllusionが継続します。
Slippery Attacks ? ? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Fortified Bellowing ? ? Boastful Bellowの上位版で、更なるダメージとStun可能なNPCのレベルを上昇させます。
Fury of Magic ? ? DDがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Dance of Blades ? ? 狭い範囲内の敵に範囲攻撃を行います。
Shield of Notes ? ? 能力が発動した時にバリアを張り、呪文と直接攻撃のダメージを軽減します。ランク毎にダメージ軽減率と総量が増加します。
Shielding Resistance ? ? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Healing Adept Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellの効果を3%増幅させます。
Healing Gift Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Slippery Attacks ? ? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Fury of Magic ? ? DDがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Roar of Thunder ? ? 能力を発動した時、咆哮で相手にダメージを与えStun状態にします。
Presistent Minion 1 7 Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Perfection of Spirit ? ? This ability allows the beastlord to share some of his natural attuning with his party in the form of health and mana. This upgrade increases the amount of health and mana that is shared with party.
Replenish Companion ? ? This ability grants you an enhanced version of the Mend Companion ability. Each additional rank increases the healing power of the ability further.
Advanced Pet Discipline ? ? The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a ""focus"" command so it will not attack any opponent other than ones you directly order it to. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet nospell.
Shielding Resistance ? ? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Healing Adept Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellの効果を3%増幅させます。
Healing Gift Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Healing Boon 3 3→6→9 This ability grants heal-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell for that tick.
Resplendent Cure 3 3→6→9 This ability grants you a more potent form of your Radiant Cure ability. Subsequent ranks increase the curing properties of this ability.
Celestial Hammer 3 5→10→15 Use of this ability calls forth a celestial spirit to attack your opponent.
Divine Retribution 1 12 While this ability is active, any creature daring to attack the cleric has a chance to be stunned in retribution. Additional ranks in this ability increase the chance that creatures that attack you will be stunned. This ability does not affect creatures that are immune to stunning or creatures above level 70.
Celestial Rejuvenation 3 5→5→5 This ability grants you an improved version of your Celestial Regeneration ability.
Fervent Benediction 3 5→5→5 Use of this ability creates an enhanced version of your Exquisite Benediction ward. Increased ranks improve the healing capabilities of this ward.
Sanctuary 1 12 While you are under the effects of this ability, creatures will always choose to attack someone else before they attack you. You may cast spells upon yourself, but the sanctuary effect immediately ends if you take any hostile action or cast spells on another player.
Destructive Fury 3 3→6→9 This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Healing Adept Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellの効果を3%増幅させます。
Healing Gift Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Resplendent Cure ? ? This ability grants you a more potent form of your Radiant Cure ability. Subsequent ranks increase the curing properties of this ability.
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Boon of the Forest ? ? Use of this ability creates an enhanced version of your Nature's Boon ward. Increased ranks improve the healing capabilities of this ward.
Spirit of the Grove ? ? This provides you with an upgraded version of your Spirit of the Wood ability that has increased healing properties.
Call of the Wild ? ? This ability allows you to call a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse. This resurrection does not restore any lost experience, but the player can still get an experience resurrection after being affected by this ability.
Secondary Recall ? ? Use of this ability allows you to quickly gate yourself back to a secondary bind point that has been previously set by use of a Stone of Marking.
Nature's Bounty ? ? This ability gives you an innate chance to forage more than one item at a time. Additional ranks increase the chance to forage a second item.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Arcane Tongues ? ? This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Improved Suspended Minion ? ? Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Stasis ? ? Use of this ability causes the target to fall unconscious and remain so until the effect wears off. Nothing will awaken the victim while they are under the effect of Stasis.
Color Shock ? ? While this ability is active, any creature that tries to attack the enchanter has a chance to be stunned in retribution. Additional ranks in this ability increase the chance that creatures that attack you will be stunned. This ability does not affect creatures that are immune to stunning or creatures above level 70.
Mind Over Matter ? ? While active, a portion of the damage you sustain is taken out of your mana rather than your hit points. Any damage that cannot be absorbed by your mana comes off your hit points instead.
Soothing Words ? ? Through use of this ability, you can sooth an angry creature, greatly reducing how angry it is with its current target.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Arcane Tongues ? ? This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Improved Suspended Minion ? ? Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Replenish Companion ? ? This ability grants you an enhanced version of the Mend Companion ability. Each additional rank increases the healing power of the ability further.
Advanced Pet Discipline ? ? The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a ""focus"" command so it will not attack any opponent other than ones you directly order it to. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet nospell.
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Hastened Host of the Elements ? ? This ability decreases the time required between uses of Host of the Elements by 10 percent per rank.
Heart of Flames ? ? This ability will allow you to turn into an embodiment of elemental fire, increasing the damage caused by your fire-based spells.
Heart of Vapor ? ? This ability will allow you to turn into an embodiment of elemental air, greatly reducing how much creatures hate you for the detrimental spells you cast.
Heart of Ice ? ? This ability will allow you to turn into an embodiment of elemental ice, greatly reducing the damage you take from spells.
Heart of Stone ? ? This ability will allow you to turn into an embodiment of elemental earth, greatly reducing the damage you take from melee attacks.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Slippery Attacks ? ? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Overwhelming Attack ? ? Through sheer might, you can batter through your opponent's defenses. This ability increases your chance to bypass your opponent's special defenses such as dodge, block, parry, and riposte.
Shielding Resistance ? ? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
Imitate Death ? ? This ability allows the monk to execute a perfect feign death that causes every creature to forget about them immediately.
Crippling Strike ? ? This ability augments Eagle Strike with a chance to reduce the movement speed of the target. Ranks in this ability increase the potency and duration of the snare effect.
Stunning Kick ? ? This ability augments Round Kick with a chance to stun the target. Ranks in this ability increase the duration of the stun.
Eye Gouge ? ? This ability augments Tiger Claw with a chance to blind the target, reducing its ability to attack. Ranks in this ability increase the potency of the blinding.
Iron Kicks ? ? Each rank in this ability increases the damage done by your Flying Kicks.
Style of the Mimic ? ? By mimicking the movements of your opponent, you are better able to anticipate and bypass his defenses.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Arcane Tongues ? ? This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Improved Suspended Minion ? ? Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Replenish Companion ? ? This ability grants you an enhanced version of the Mend Companion ability. Each additional rank increases the healing power of the ability further.
Advanced Pet Discipline ? ? The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a ""focus"" command so it will not attack any opponent other than ones you directly order it to. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet nospell.
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Death Peace ? ? This ability gives you an additional way to feign death.
Army of the Dead ? ? This ability calls up to five shades of nearby corpses back to life to serve the necromancer. The soulless abominations will mindlessly fight the target until called back to the afterlife some time later. The shades summoned by the first rank of this ability serve for 60 seconds, and each increasing rank adds 15 additional seconds.
Soul Thief ? ? This ability further increases the chance that the healing effect of your lifetaps will provide an exceptional amount of healing.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Healing Adept Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellの効果を3%増幅させます。
Healing Gift Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Fury of Magic ? ? DDがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Healing Boon ? ? This ability grants heal-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell for that tick.
Celestial Stun ? ? This ability provides an enhanced, fast-casting spell that has the chance to interrupt higher level NPCs.
Hand of Devortion ? ? This ability invokes the direct blessing of your diety healing all nearby group members. Additional ranks increase the healing power of this ability.
Steadfast Will ? ? This ability grants a chance to endure what would otherwise be a stunning blow, from any angle, without being stunned.
Shield Block ? ? This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Slippery Attacks ? ? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Fury of Magic ? ? DDがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Shielding Resistance ? ? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
Nature's Bounty ? ? This ability gives you an innate chance to forage more than one item at a time. Additional ranks increase the chance to forage a second item.
Efficiency of the Hunter ? ? Each rank in this ability further increases the accuracy of your melee attacks.
Guardian of the Glade ? ? This ability transforms you into an exceptionally bloodthirsty wolf that attacks with lightning speed for a brief time. The transition into the wolf will also cause many of your wounds to heal.
Tracking Mastery ? ? Each rank in this ability increases the maximum you can increase your tracking skill by 20 points.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Master of Disguise 1 7 死ぬかBuffを手動で消さない限りIllusionが継続します。
Slippery Attacks 5 3→?→?→?→? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Shielding Resistance 5 3→?→?→?→? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
Flurry of Knives 3 3→6→9 Double Backstabが成功した時に追加でBackstabをするチャンスがランク毎に増加します。
Precision 3 3→6→9 Backstabが成功するチャンスがランク毎に増加します。
Nerves of Steel 5 5→5→5→5→5 Hide状態でSpellを浴びた時にばれないチャンスがランク毎に増加します。ランク5までいくとSpellをResistした場合はHideが解けず、Spellが当ってもHideが解けづらくなります。
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Fury of Magic ? ? DDがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Improved Suspended Minion ? ? Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Advanced Pet Discipline ? ? The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a ""focus"" command so it will not attack any opponent other than ones you directly order it to. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet nospell.
Death Peace ? ? This ability gives you an additional way to feign death.
Steadfast Will ? ? This ability grants a chance to endure what would otherwise be a stunning blow, from any angle, without being stunned.
Shield Block ? ? This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
Touch of the Cursed ? ? This ability grants the shadowknight a chance to drain the life of his opponent any time he makes a melee attack.
Spiritual Corrosion ? ? This ability further increases the damage of the lifetaps that result from shadowknight self buffs.
Soul Thief ? ? This ability further increases the chance that the healing effect of your lifetaps will provide an exceptional amount of healing.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Healing Adept Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellの効果を3%増幅させます。
Healing Gift Mastery 3 3→6→9 ランク毎にHealing Spellがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Improved Critical Affliction ? ? DoTがクリティカルするチャンスを増加させます。
Improved Suspended Minion ? ? Suspended Minionの上位版。ペットをSuspendした状態でゾーンする事が出来ます。
Advanced Pet Discipline ? ? The first rank of this ability allows you to give your pet a ""focus"" command so it will not attack any opponent other than ones you directly order it to. The second rank allows you to tell your pet to not cast any spells. Usage: /pet focus, /pet nospell.
Healing Boon ? ? This ability grants heal-over-time spells the chance to have a critical effect each tick they are active. An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell for that tick.
Resplendent Cure ? ? This ability grants you a more potent form of your Radiant Cure ability. Subsequent ranks increase the curing properties of this ability.
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Call of the Wild ? ? This ability allows you to call a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse. This resurrection does not restore any lost experience, but the player can still get an experience resurrection after being affected by this ability.
Spiritual Channeling ? ? While this ability is active, all of your spells will be fueled directly by the energy of your body, consuming hit points rather than mana.
Boon of the Ancients ? ? Use of this ability creates an enhanced version of your Call of the Ancients ward. Increased ranks improve the healing capabilities of this ward.
Ancestral Aid ? ? Through use of this ability, the shaman can call upon their ancestors for aid, providing healing and rest to their group.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Slippery Attacks ? ? 左手の攻撃がRiposteされにくくなります。ランク毎にRiposteを失敗するチャンスが20%増加します。
Crazed Onslaught ? ? This ability increases the chance to make a flurry attack upon a successful triple attack.
Overwhelming Attack ? ? Through sheer might, you can batter through your opponent's defenses. This ability increases your chance to bypass your opponent's special defenses such as dodge, block, parry, and riposte.
Shielding Resistance ? ? 左手で攻撃した時にDamage Shieldによるダメージを軽減します。
Shield Block ? ? This ability grants you the chance to fully block an attack when using a shield. Increased ranks improve the chance to block attacks.
Resolute Defiance ? ? This ability allows warriors to temporarily boost their hit points further than the boost provided by Warlord's Tenacity. As with Warlord's Tenacity, these hit points fade over the course of one minute leaving the warrior weaker than when Resolute Defiance started.
Press the Attack ? ? This ability allows you to pressure your opponent, causing him to stumble away from you.
名称 上限 コスト 効果
Arcane Tongues ? ? This ability reduces the chance of failing research combinations by 10, 25, and 50 percent.
Destructive Fury ? ? This ability increases the strength of your critical spell hits, causing them to do more damage.
Secondary Recall ? ? Use of this ability allows you to quickly gate yourself back to a secondary bind point that has been previously set by use of a Stone of Marking.
Mind Crash ? ? When used, this ability will cause the targeted creature to become considerably less angry with you.
Prolonged Destruction ? ? This ability grants you an enhanced version of Frenzied Devastation that lasts for an additional 10 seconds per rank.
Ro's Greater Familiar ? ? This ability provides you with a familiar that strengthens the effects of your fire-based spells.
E'ci's Greater Familiar ? ? This ability provides you with a familiar that strengthens the effects of your ice-based spells.
Druzzil's Greater Familiar ? ? This ability provides you with a familiar that strengthens the effects of your magic-based spells.
Teleport Bind ? ? When activated, this ability will teleport the wizard's entire group to the wizard's bind point.
Devoted Familiar ? ? This ability will call forth a familiar that provides even greater benefits to its owner than its predecessor.