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2006年8月 9日



その後、UquaをさっくりとクリアしてQvicまで終わったリフラグの続きでInktu'Taへ。しかし、フナ虫エリアで罠を解除できる人が少なかったのかAE Rootが炸裂しまくりで3回も失敗してしまい時間的にきつくなってきたので今夜はここまで。


71 - Single-target HP Buff
71 - Fast casting heal
71 - AC buff
71 - DD / Stun up to level 75
71 - IVU (level 2)
71 - Symbol HP buff
72 - Undead-only DoT with doom counter DD at the end
72 - Melee guard (Vie)
72 - Single target Aegolism
72 - Cast time haste buff up to level 75
72 - Heal over time
72 - Single target Corruption resist buff
72 - DD
73 - Hammer pet
73 - Heal
73 - DD / Stun up to level 75
73 - Group AC buff
73 - Group IVU (level 2)
73 - "Promised" single-target spell with large heal
73 - Self-only Chromatic DD proc buff with a heal over time recourse, breaks after X spell casts or procs
74 - Reverse DS
74 - AE DD
74 - Defensive DD proc
74 - Group cast time haste buff up to level 75 spells
74 - Yaulp
74 - Group Corruption resist buff
74 - Cure for corruption counters (higher mana cost and cast time, more counters)
75 - Pacify up to level 75
75 - AE stun up to level 70
75 - Self AC/HP/Mana regen buff
75 - Group Symbol HP buff
75 - Group Aegolism
75 - Group Heal DoT
75 - Puratus-type prevention effect for corruption counters
75 - Group Melee guard (Vie)
75 - Highly efficient Shade-only DD spell - BANE spell for the undead giants

投稿者 kenji : 2006年8月 9日 09:51

